There is an unspoken pressure in our society to have it all together and know how we want to contribute to the world. Here's a little secret: nobody has it all together and and it's actually quite challenging to know what you want out of life and how that life is going to contribute to the rest of the world. When did all the things become something more than simple? Two of my favorite books that I plan to go back to this Fall are Grace Not Perfection and The Simplified Life by Emily Ley. She breaks down what it is to truly make room in your life and home for the most important things. The funny part is, those things aren't "things" at all, they are people. People, family, friends, relationships... those are the most important things in life. So, when my work, my menu, my workout schedule, my chore list all get in the way of my kids, my husband, my family time, my fellowship at church, my friends... That is a problem. When I was a kid and people a...
Faith * Family * Food * Fitness